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Words from the Pastor: 

Moore Union Team Members

On behalf of 1st Lady Altman and myself, congratulations and thanks to each of you for what you do to help make Moore Union Freewill Baptist Church a great place to worship and serve.  Your passion, love, dedication, and commitment to the church mission and vision inspire and humble 1st lady and I.

You may already know that Moore Union has been appraised as a church on the move for God.  It has been whispered that it is one of the best places to worship in the Sanford and Lillington area.  While we should be proud and pleased with the accomplishments and blessings God has bestowed upon us, we should not be satisfied.  As good as we are, we can get better together.  Strong leadership, healthy communications, and teamwork are continuous challenges for every Church organization and we are no exception.  So while we know we are "doing the right things and doing things right," we should also challenge ourselves to move up to the next level in God individually and collectively. 

Remember great organizations always practice the values and respect for others and accept our differences.   In keeping with those values and our commitment to our place of worship, and an atmosphere free from discrimination, all of us are required to continue to put our trust in the Lord and lean not to our own understanding.  We have come a long way with God on our side, and he will continue to guide us if remain obedient to his word. I want to personally thank you all from my heart for the genuine love and support you have rendered throughout this year.  Keep up the good work, and stay on the (MOVE) for God.


Pastor Altman

Lillington District Union
Church Calendar
February 2025


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